The series follows the story of three siblings of a sick parent: two obsessive daughters – Safiye and Gülben and one son – Han, who has devoted his whole life to catering to his family's needs, shuttling tirelessly between work and home. One faithful day, Han's world will change as soon as he sees and immediately falls in love with İnci. For the first time in his life, Han will seek out his own happiness.
انطلاقا من أحداث وتفاصيل حقيقية ورواية شعبية، تجمع الصدفة ثم الحب بين هان وإنجي، ليرتبط بذلك مصير عائلتين يخيم الماضي، الذي يغص بالتناقضات والمآسي، على مستقبلهما.. فهل سينجح الحب في علاج ما أخفقت الأيام في مداواته؟
Status :
Country : TR
Original language : tr
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7.9 /10
7.9 /10
| Seasons
| 2020
| 2021