The Adventures of Sam
The Adventures of Sam is an animated Australian children's TV series that aired in 1997. Set in the 1850s, it followed a boy named Sam Donahue as he had adventures around the world while trying to find his brother. The show is well known for its theme music by Nerida Tyson-Chew which was nominated for several awards.
مغامرات سام هو مسلسل رسوم متحركة أسترالي للأطفال تم بثه في عام 1997. وتدور أحداثه في خمسينيات القرن التاسع عشر، ويتتبع صبيًا يُدعى سام دوناهو وهو يخوض مغامرات حول العالم أثناء محاولته العثور على أخيه.
Status :
Returning Series
Country : AU
Original language : en
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3.6 /10
3.6 /10