Around the World in 80 Days is an animated television series that lasted one season of sixteen episodes, broadcast during the 1972-1973 season by NBC. It was the first Australian-produced cartoon to be shown on American network television. Leif Gram directed all sixteen episodes, and the stories were loosely adapted by Chester "Chet" Stover from the novel by Jules Verne.
حول العالم في ثمانين يوما مسلسل رسوم متحركة أمريكي يتكون من 16 حلقة عرض لأول مرة بين عامي 1972-1973 وتمت دبلجة المسلسل للغة العربية .
Status :
Country : AUFRGB
Original language : en
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7.0 /10
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| Seasons
| 1972
| 1973